medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Noncanonical EEG-BOLD coupling by default and in schizophrenia.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Jacob MS, Roach BJ, Mathalon DH, Ford JM

Impaired speaking-induced suppression in schizophrenia predicts auditory verbal hallucinations.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Tan S, Jia Y, Mathew M, Jariwala N, Pongos A, Brent K, Ford J, Mathalon D, Houde J, Nagarajan S, Subramaniam K

Cognitive subtypes in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Yassin W, Green J, Keshavan M, Del Re EC, Addington J, Bearden CE, Cadenhead KS, Cannon TD, Cornblatt BA, Mathalon DH, Perkins DO, Walker EF, Woods SW, Stone WS

Fetal Gene Regulatory Gene Deletions are Associated with Poor Cognition and Altered Cortical Morphology in Schizophrenia and Community-Based Samples.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Forsyth JK, Zhu J, Chavannes AS, Trevorrow ZH, Hyat M, Sievertsen SA, Ferreira-Ianone S, Conomos MP, Nuechterlein KH, Asarnow RF, Green MF, Karlsgodt KH, Perkins DO, Cannon TD, Addington JM, Cadenhead KS, Cornblatt BA, Keshavan MS, Mathalon DH, Stone WS, Tsuang MT, Walker EF, Woods SW, Narr KL, McEwen SC, Schleifer CH, Yee CM, Diehl CK, Guha A, Miller GA, Alexander-Bloch AF, Seidlitz J, Bethlehem RAI, Ophoff RA, Bearden CE

Development of the PSYCHS: Positive SYmptoms and Diagnostic Criteria for the CAARMS Harmonized with the SIPS.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Woods SW, Parker S, Kerr MJ, Walsh BC, Wijtenburg SA, Prunier N, Nunez AR, Buccilli K, Mourgues-Codern C, Brummitt K, Kinney KS, Trankler C, Szacilo J, Colton BL, Ali M, Haidar A, Billah T, Huynh K, Ahmed U, Adery LL, Corcoran CM, Perkins DO, Schiffman J, Perez J, Mamah D, Ellman LM, Powers AR, Coleman MJ, Anticevic A, Fusar-Poli P, Kane JM, Kahn RS, McGorry PD, Bearden CE, Shenton ME, Nelson B, Calkins ME, Hendricks L, Bouix S, Addington J, McGlashan TH, Yung AR, Accelerating Medicines Partnership Schizophrenia, AMP SCZ Working Group and Subgroup leaders (not previously listed):, Allott K, Clark SR, Kapur T, Lavoie S, Lewandowski KE, Mathalon DH, Pasternak O, Stone WS, Torous J, National Institute of Mental Health Project Scientists:, Rowland LM, Zhan M, Research Network and DPACC Investigators (not previously listed):, Amminger P, Arango C, Broome MR, Cadenhead KS, Chen EYH, Choi J, Kevin Cho KI, Conus P, Cornblatt BA, Glenthøj LB, Horton LE, Kambeitz J, Keshavan MS, Koutsouleris N, Langbein K, Diaz-Caneja CM, Mittal VA, Nordentoft M, Gaspar Ramos PA, Pearlson GD, Shah JL, Smesny S, Strauss GP, Wang J, Study Coordinators and Project Managers (not previously listed):, Marcy PJ, Matneja P, Phassouliotis C, Ray S, Snowball C, Spark J, Tod S, Individual names of AMP SCZ collaborators are listed in the Acknowledgment