Human brain mapping

Static and Dynamic Cross-Network Functional Connectivity Shows Elevated Entropy in Schizophrenia Patients.

Human brain mapping

Maksymchuk N, Miller RL, Bustillo JR, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Preda A, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD

A Method for Multimodal IVA Fusion Within a MISA Unified Model Reveals Markers of Age, Sex, Cognition, and Schizophrenia in Large Neuroimaging Studies.

Human brain mapping

Silva RF, Damaraju E, Li X, Kochunov P, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Turner JA, van Erp TGM, Adali T, Calhoun VD

Identifying canonical and replicable multi-scale intrinsic connectivity networks in 100k+ resting-state fMRI datasets.

Human brain mapping

Iraji A, Fu Z, Faghiri A, Duda M, Chen J, Rachakonda S, DeRamus T, Kochunov P, Adhikari BM, Belger A, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Pearlson GD, Potkin SG, Preda A, Turner JA, van Erp TGM, Bustillo JR, Yang K, Ishizuka K, Faria A, Sawa A, Hutchison K, Osuch EA, Theberge J, Abbott C, Mueller BA, Zhi D, Zhuo C, Liu S, Xu Y, Salman M, Liu J, Du Y, Sui J, Adali T, Calhoun VD

Reliability and clinical utility of spatially constrained estimates of intrinsic functional networks from very short fMRI scans.

Human brain mapping

Duda M, Iraji A, Ford JM, Lim KO, Mathalon DH, Mueller BA, Potkin SG, Preda A, Van Erp TGM, Calhoun VD

Nonlinear functional network connectivity in resting functional magnetic resonance imaging data.

Human brain mapping

Motlaghian SM, Belger A, Bustillo JR, Ford JM, Iraji A, Lim K, Mathalon DH, Mueller BA, O'Leary D, Pearlson G, Potkin SG, Preda A, van Erp TGM, Calhoun VD

A meta-analysis of deep brain structural shape and asymmetry abnormalities in 2,833 individuals with schizophrenia compared with 3,929 healthy volunteers via the ENIGMA Consortium.

Human brain mapping

Gutman BA, van Erp TGM, Alpert K, Ching CRK, Isaev D, Ragothaman A, Jahanshad N, Saremi A, Zavaliangos-Petropulu A, Glahn DC, Shen L, Cong S, Alnaes D, Andreassen OA, Doan NT, Westlye LT, Kochunov P, Satterthwaite TD, Wolf DH, Huang AJ, Kessler C, Weideman A, Nguyen D, Mueller BA, Faziola L, Potkin SG, Preda A, Mathalon DH, Bustillo J, Calhoun V, Ford JM, Walton E, Ehrlich S, Ducci G, Banaj N, Piras F, Piras F, Spalletta G, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Fuentes-Claramonte P, Pomarol-Clotet E, Radua J, Salvador R, Sarró S, Dickie EW, Voineskos A, Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D, Crespo-Facorro B, Setién-Suero E, van Son JM, Borgwardt S, Schönborn-Harrisberger F, Morris D, Donohoe G, Holleran L, Cannon D, McDonald C, Corvin A, Gill M, Filho GB, Rosa PGP, Serpa MH, Zanetti MV, Lebedeva I, Kaleda V, Tomyshev A, Crow T, James A, Cervenka S, Sellgren CM, Fatouros-Bergman H, Agartz I, Howells F, Stein DJ, Temmingh H, Uhlmann A, de Zubicaray GI, McMahon KL, Wright M, Cobia D, Csernansky JG, Thompson PM, Turner JA, Wang L

Sparse deep neural networks on imaging genetics for schizophrenia case-control classification.

Human brain mapping

Chen J, Li X, Calhoun VD, Turner JA, van Erp TGM, Wang L, Andreassen OA, Agartz I, Westlye LT, Jönsson E, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Macciardi F, O'Leary DS, Liu J, Ji S

Parallel group ICA+ICA: Joint estimation of linked functional network variability and structural covariation with application to schizophrenia.

Human brain mapping

Qi S, Sui J, Chen J, Liu J, Jiang R, Silva R, Iraji A, Damaraju E, Salman M, Lin D, Fu Z, Zhi D, Turner JA, Bustillo J, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Voyvodic J, McEwen S, Preda A, Belger A, Potkin SG, Mueller BA, Adali T, Calhoun VD

The spatial chronnectome reveals a dynamic interplay between functional segregation and integration.

Human brain mapping

Iraji A, Deramus TP, Lewis N, Yaesoubi M, Stephen JM, Erhardt E, Belger A, Ford JM, McEwen S, Mathalon DH, Mueller BA, Pearlson GD, Potkin SG, Preda A, Turner JA, Vaidya JG, van Erp TGM, Calhoun VD

Spatial dynamics within and between brain functional domains: A hierarchical approach to study time-varying brain function.

Human brain mapping

Iraji A, Fu Z, Damaraju E, DeRamus TP, Lewis N, Bustillo JR, Lenroot RK, Belger A, Ford JM, McEwen S, Mathalon DH, Mueller BA, Pearlson GD, Potkin SG, Preda A, Turner JA, Vaidya JG, van Erp TGM, Calhoun VD
