Biological psychiatry

Role of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors in Action-Based Predictive Coding Deficits in Schizophrenia.

Biological psychiatry

Kort NS, Ford JM, Roach BJ, Gunduz-Bruce H, Krystal JH, Jaeger J, Reinhart RM, Mathalon DH

The psychosis-like effects of ?(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol are associated with increased cortical noise in healthy humans.

Biological psychiatry

Cortes-Briones JA, Cahill JD, Skosnik PD, Mathalon DH, Williams A, Sewell RA, Roach BJ, Ford JM, Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC

Progressive reduction in cortical thickness as psychosis develops: a multisite longitudinal neuroimaging study of youth at elevated clinical risk.

Biological psychiatry

Cannon TD, Chung Y, He G, Sun D, Jacobson A, van Erp TG, McEwen S, Addington J, Bearden CE, Cadenhead K, Cornblatt B, Mathalon DH, McGlashan T, Perkins D, Jeffries C, Seidman LJ, Tsuang M, Walker E, Woods SW, Heinssen R, North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study Consortium

Automatic auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia and clinical high-risk patients: forecasting psychosis risk with mismatch negativity.

Biological psychiatry

Perez VB, Woods SW, Roach BJ, Ford JM, McGlashan TH, Srihari VH, Mathalon DH

Schizophrenia miR-137 locus risk genotype is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hyperactivation.

Biological psychiatry

van Erp TG, Guella I, Vawter MP, Turner J, Brown GG, McCarthy G, Greve DN, Glover GH, Calhoun VD, Lim KO, Bustillo JR, Belger A, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Diaz M, Preda A, Nguyen D, Macciardi F, Potkin SG

Cortisol levels and risk for psychosis: initial findings from the North American prodrome longitudinal study.

Biological psychiatry

Walker EF, Trotman HD, Pearce BD, Addington J, Cadenhead KS, Cornblatt BA, Heinssen R, Mathalon DH, Perkins DO, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Cannon TD, McGlashan TH, Woods SW

Impaired visual cortical plasticity in schizophrenia.

Biological psychiatry

Cavus I, Reinhart RM, Roach BJ, Gueorguieva R, Teyler TJ, Clapp WC, Ford JM, Krystal JH, Mathalon DH
